Booklyn is a highly advanced book arts gallery in Brooklyn. I visited there today. Go to their
site for images of many extreme books, the way I like them.
View of Brooklyn from Booklyn. |
Stacks of Occuprint portfolios -- silkscreen prints by artists worldwide made for the Occupy Movement.
Paintings of political figures by Ian MacGillivray, currently hanging in USA Today show in the gallery. |
Series of three images by Ryan Jacob Smith, currently hanging in USA Today show in the gallery. |
Nerve center of Booklyn: Felice Tebbe, Collection Development and Education, and Ariana Misfelt, Collection Development. |
The Booklyn Bridge. |
Some of my favorite
Occuprint images. Artists were given a size to work in. They are gorgeous; in the tradition of all great protest posters. See link for artists' names.
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